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About Us
At Enviro Annotations find environmental news about India. Enviro Annotations is the answer to "Where can I find environmental news?" At, Enviro Annotations, we aim to answer pressing questions such as: Where can I find environmental news about India? What is happening to the environment today? What are the current environmental issues? What are the general environmental challenges? What issues affect environmental ecology and biodiversity? And many more.
Since 2018, Enviro Annotations has been at the forefront of covering environment news, current environmental issues, latest news, general issues on environmental ecology, biodiversity, and climate change.
Enviro Annotations posts videos on YouTube Channel covering topics related to environment news, current environmental issues, latest news on environmental governance, including environmental policies, laws, and regulations in India; forest clearance, wild conservation and clearance; climate policy and action; environmental impact assessments (EIA), expert committee decisions like those by the MoEF&CC Expert Appraisal Committee and State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA); and the role of bodies like the National Green Tribunal (NGT). Key areas also include policy gap analysis, groundwater regulations such as CGWA NOC, borewell NOC, bore well NOC, tube well NOC, tubewell NOC, environment compensation, environmental compensation, environment damage compensation, environmental crimes, and waste management rules, such as the Plastic Waste Management Rules and Hazardous Waste Management Rules. The content focuses on government notifications, office memorandums, corporate sustainability, and directives from regulatory bodies like CPCB and CAQM. The contents may help students and aspirants for competitive exams including upsc.
At "Enviro Annotations," our mission is to inform, educate, and empower our readers, enabling national environmental action through data-driven insights and comprehensive knowledge. Join us as we continue to bring you critical environmental news and stories, contributing to a more sustainable future. #enviroannotations Subscribe